
  • Schedule

    The topic of the seminar in 2022 is listening experiments and sound quality evaluation

    The teachers are Prof. Tapio Lokki, Dr. Antti Kuusinen, and Dr. Petteri Hyvärinen. 

    The course will be in hybrid mode. Thus, you can some to the lecture room (U8 - U270 in Kandidaattikeskus, Otakaari 1) or follow the lectures via Zoom. The final presentations in May are in the lecture hall.

    Seminar schedule (updated 4.3.2022)
    Date Time Place Topic Who
    28.02. 14:15 - 16:00


    Introduction of the topics & practicalities, statistical background Tapio Lokki/
    Antti Kuusinen/
    Petteri Hyvärinen
    07.03. 14:15 - 16:00 online Sound quality evaluation Neo Kaplanis (B&O)
    14.03. 14:15 - 16:00 U8-U270/online Psychometric functions, staircases, etc. Petteri Hyvärinen
    Deadline for Table of contents + some references
    All participants
    21.03. 14:15 - 16:00 U8-U270/online On the design, organization and analysis of a listening experiment Antti Kuusinen
    28.03. 14:15 - 16:00 U8-U270/online On the design, organization and analysis of a listening experiment
    Antti Kuusinen/
    Petteri Hyvärinen
    01.04. 21:00 MyCourses Learning diary from the lectures All participants
    13.04. 21:00 MyCourses Deadline for 1st draft (some text + references) All participants
    25.04. 21:00 MyCourses Deadline for 2nd draft (more text + figures) All participants
    09.05. 21:00 MyCourses Full paper All participants
    13.05 21:00 MyCourses Peer Review  All participants
    13.05. 21:00 MyCourses Presentation slides All participants
    16.05. 14:15-17:00 U8-U270 Seminar presentations (10-15+5 mins) All participants
    18.05. 21:00 MyCourses Final revised paper All participants