DOM-E509901 - Audiovisual Studio, Lecture, 1.3.2022-8.4.2022
This course space end date is set to 08.04.2022 Search Courses: DOM-E509901
Topic outline
Deadline: April 22, 13:00
Please submit the following:
1) A short documentation video of your work (or if the work is a linear video, you can just submit the video itself). Free format otherwise, but keep it under 5 minutes. If your work is a group effort, it's enough that only one person submits the video.
2) A pdf file or a link to a website with the following:
- The title of your work
- Your name (+ the names of your group members)
- A short description of the work (can be the same for all group members)
- A short description and reflection on your role in the group. Some questions that might help you figure this out: What did you do? What did you learn? What went like you planned? What did you struggle with? How will you continue?
- Roughly 500-800 words in total (you can write longer if you really want to).
- Each student should submit their own document (or the document should have all of texts of the individual group members)