DOM-E509901 - Audiovisual Studio, Lecture, 1.3.2022-8.4.2022
This course space end date is set to 08.04.2022 Search Courses: DOM-E509901
Please submit a project proposal explaining what you want do as your final project. Do not think of this as some sort of fixed idea that you are not allowed to change later, but rather as something that will constantly evolve as we get closer to the end of the period.
Check the guideline:
What am I expecting:
- Working title for the project. This name does not have to be the final one, you can change it later.
- Names of students in your group and their roles (in reality people might have many roles, but it's good to have some main responsibility for each person).
- Is your work something that can be livestreamed somehow (as a video or as a live performance)? Or is it more something that would show in our small exhibition at the end of the class?
- A short description of what you want to do.
- Images, sketches, links to resources
- A list of things that you think you would need the most help on.
- List of special equipment that you think you might need.
- The preferred format is some type of online document that you can keep on editing later and that I can add comments on:
- Google Docs
- Aalto Sharepoint document
- Miro board
- etc.
- Or you can also just send a pdf file
If you are doing the same project for AV Studio and Embodied Interaction, just submit the same proposal for both classes. I will have identical submission pages for both classes.
If you are planning to submit your ideas also to some of the open calls talked about on the final project guidelines page, you can also send me those documents.