Osion kuvaus

  • Welcome to Postgraduate Course in Micro- and Nanosciences I (Fall 2021)

    Welcome to the postgraduate course for doctoral candidates in Micro- and Nanoscience (Fall 2021)

    Our first meeting will be on the 21st of September at 15:00

    This Fall, the scope of the course is for you to become familiar with common researcher´s practices and experience some of those!

    Given current guidelines, the course will be held online in the Teams group "ELEC-E321101_PostGraduate Studies in Micro- and Nanosciences (Fall 2021)". You will receive a MTeams invitation to join our virtual class few days before. Meetings will be held there (no invitation will be sent for individual classes). 

    On our first meeting we will discuss schedule and assignments in more details.

    WELCOME again and looking forward to meet all of you!

    Information about the course, assignments and grading is available here.