ELEC-L321101 - Postgraduate Course in Micro and Nanosciences I V D, Lecture, 19.9.2021-19.12.2021
This course space end date is set to 19.12.2021 Search Courses: ELEC-L321101
Write Your Own Funding Proposal (DL: 18:00 on 27.11.2021) Inlämningsuppgift
Pitch Your Own Idea (DL: h18:00 last day of class, 08.12.2021) Inlämningsuppgift
Manuscript Reviewing Process (DL 12.11.2021) Inlämningsuppgift
Let´s Hear about Your Thesis Topic (DL: around mid-October, TBD) Inlämningsuppgift
Pre-Class Survey (DL 17.09.2021, h18:00) Inlämningsuppgift
Conference Presentation (DL: h18:00 day of your presentation) Inlämningsuppgift
You as a Reviewer_Conference Presentation (DL: h18:00 Friday of the week of the presentation) Inlämningsuppgift