SCI-E101001 - Introduction Course for Master's students with varying content: Academic Skills, Lecture, 16.9.2021-21.10.2021
This course space end date is set to 21.10.2021 Search Courses: SCI-E101001
Instead of a lecture, this topic will be covered with self-study material and three quizes. Study the material first and then complete the three quizes in suggested order. The deadline for all this is 30 September at 23:59 (GMT+3).
Self-study material for Academic Integrity & Avoiding Plagiarism MappRead the material and complete the Lecture Quizes.
Lecture Quiz 2: Academic Integrity & Avoiding Plagiarism, part 1 Enkät
Lecture Quiz 2: Academic Integrity & Avoiding Plagiarism, part 2 Enkät
Lecture Quiz 2: Academic Integrity & Avoiding Plagiarism, part 3 Kunskapstest
The quiz (question 4 onwards) is based on the Academic Integrity Quiz of ELEC-0110 Academic Skills for master's studies (2019).
Some of the content may be familiar to you from your previous studies, but most likely passing the quiz requires careful studying of the slides "Citing Sources & Avoiding Plagiarism". -
Lecture 2: Academic Integrity & Avoiding Plagiarims, useful links Sida