
  • Allmänt

    This course will be taught remotely.

    Welcome to the MyCourses workspace for the Fall 2021 edition of the CS-E4000 course Seminar in Computer Science: Internet, Data and Things.

    The course includes an integrated English support module since 2016. You can refer to the course syllabus for an overview and to the frequently asked questions for additional information. 

    During this course, the students will write technical reports in the format of scientific articles. The content is mostly based on a literature survey, i.e., the articles summarize existing work on a specific topic in computer science, including a discussion with own observations. Sometimes, the articles may also include some original implementations made by the student.

    Detailed information about the course and the related practicalities will be given during the first lecture, scheduled for Monday September 13, 2021 at 16:15 via Zoom:

    Link: Second lecture

    Meeting ID: 656 8969 5783