
  • Please observe that we have no live sessions during the evaluation week of PI. Work through the assignments and material below on your own, at your own pace by the given deadline!

    Start brainstorming potential debate topics, primarily in the field of data science but also more broadly within the field of science, technology and architecture. You will need to have clear idea(s) for topics the next time we meet (S12&S13 on Tue Nov 2nd). You will want the debate topics to be balanced, i.e., to have arguments both for and against. Therefore, when you prepare topic ideas, keep the following questions in mind. (A handout to help with this is posted below)

    –Why do you think these topic ideas would work in debate?

    –What makes them controversial? What makes them interesting?

    –Are there clear arguments for and against?

    Bring your topic ideas to our next session on Tuesday, Nov 2nd - during this session, we will divide the teams and settle the topics & schedules for each team! It is a really bad idea to miss this particular session...

    Study the slide-set, handouts and the example of handling interruptions during a debate (Nordic Debating Champinships with Johan Båge) posted here in this section. Watch the guest speaker video & acquaint yourself with the basic structure of British parliamentary style debate (the video link with a retro-feel to it...).

    • Fil icon
      Slideset for independent study: Introduction to debate Fil
      Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
    • Fil icon
      HW Task: Brainstorming your potential debate topics (fillable pdf)
      Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
    • URL icon
      Introduction to British Parliamentary Debate URL
      Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande

      Watch the first few minutes to get an idea of some of the terms of a formal debate, and the way the turn-taking works. Enjoy the animated special effects :-)

    • URL icon
      NDC sample: Johan Båge URL
      Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande

      Watch this sample for inspiration - you too can become a great orator one day! (And don't panic - he is a pro!)