Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    Pedagogical training: Pedagogical Possibilities of New Learning Environments FALL 2021

    Contact sessions

    • CS1: Wed 29.9.2021 at 12-16 at Otaniementie 1, U-wing, 2nd floor, U8
    • CS2: Wed 13.10.2021 at 12-16 at Otaniementie 9 (Learning Center), Makerspace – on-site attendance recommended
    • CANCELED: CS3: Wed 27.10.2021 at 12-16 at Maarintie 8 (TUAS), AS6
    • CS4 NEW LOCATION! : Wed 10.11.2021 at 12-16 at
      Otakaari 1, U-wing U134a Hybrid Teaching Studio
    • CS5: Wed 24.11.2021 at 12-16 online/location unknown
    • CS+: Date and location will be decided soon

    Combining digital educational technology with physical spaces opens wide opportunities for student-centered teaching.  Aalto University’s diverse learning environments support flexible space use and new pedagogical possibilities.

    During the course, the participants will be introduced to the new active classroom facilities at Aalto University and key international benchmarks. The participants will learn about the pedagogical models that promote active and blended learning and apply this knowledge in practice. The participants will visit the facilities that support blended learning pedagogy (video production studios, the podcast pod, the VR Hub) and learn about the services that Aalto University offers for blended learning production. Additionally, various opportunities for physical and digital prototyping will be introduced.


    • A! Peda Intro (5cr) course (or equivalent) recommended but not required.

    Course contents

    Course participant will be introduced to the following:

    • New active classroom facilities at Aalto University and key international benchmarks
    • Pedagogical models that promote active and blended learning
    • Facilities and services supporting blended learning pedagogy (e.g. video studios, VR Hub)
    • Spaces for prototyping products and services
    • Key teacher support services

    Learning outcomes for the course

    After the course participant:

    • Knows about the variety of new learning spaces at Aalto University, including the physical and digital prototyping facilities
    • Understands the advantages of various active classroom facilities and is knows how to use them
    • Recognizes the ways to combine digital educational technology with physical spaces
    • Recognizes the tools and support for distance learning at Aalto University
    • Develops new perspectives to apply blended learning in their teaching


    Valeria Gryada, Timo Ovaska and Akseli Huhtanen