Osion kuvaus

  • Welcome to the course Finnish 2 intensive web course!

    Krookus Kevät Niitty - Ilmainen valokuva Pixabayssa

    Course time: 7.3.-25.4.2022

    Lessons: Mondays and Wednesdays at 16.30-18.30

    Exception: Mondays 18.4. class is held on Tuesday 19.4. at 16.30-18.30 because of Easter holiday on Monday.

    Location: in Zoom

    Book: Oma Suomi 1 (Tapaninen & Kuparinen), chapters 6-9

    Written exam: exam in MyCourses on Monday 25.4.2022

    Oral tests: arranged together with the teacher

    Re-exam: online exam on Tuesday 31.5.2022

    Teacher: Nelli Karkkunen (nelli.karkkunen@aalto.fi)