Osion kuvaus

    • Written exam

      Time: 9.3. (The exam will be open until 17.3.)

      Grading: 0-5 (0 fail, 1 pass, 2 fair, 3 good, 4 very good, 5 excellent) 

      Result: at the latest, 30 day after the test in Sisu.

      In the course, we have covered chapters 1-5 in Oma suomi 1.

      The most important topics are: 


      • genitive case (chapter 2) p. 29 

      • verb types 1-5 and negative verbs (chapter 1 and 3) p. 13, 42-44

      • partitive case (chapter 4) p. 61-63 

      • minulla on -structure (chapter 5) p. 80 

      • -ssa or -lla (chapter 5) p. 82 

      Basic vocabulary 

      • greetings + introducing yourself (chapter 1 + 2) 

      • family members (chapter 2) 

      • making questions (chapter 1-2) p. 26-27 

      • daily routines + expressions of time (chapter 3) 

      • food and drinks (chapter 4) 

      • housing (chapter 5)

      Picture: Pixabay. https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/12/22/08/01/paper-3033204_1280.jpg. (1.9.2020)