ALC-7210 - Suomi 1, Finnish 1 intensive web course Jan-Feb 2022, 10.1.2022-4.3.2022
This course space end date is set to 04.03.2022 Search Courses: ALC-7210
Topic outline
Chapter 3: On Wednesday in summer / Keskiviikkona kesällä
Verb types 2 and 3
Kotitehtävät / homework:
• Exercises 1 and 2 (pages 38-39)• Time: exercise 8 (page 49) and 9 (page 50)• 2 exercises about weekdays in MyCourses• Verbtypes : exercises 4 and 5 (page 45)• Check the videos about verb types 4 and 5 in MyCourses• If you have time: Listen to the song in MyCourses (Vieno Kekkonen: Ei koskaan sunnuntaisin) and fill the gaps in a separate exercise in MyCourses-
Power pointit 26.1. File PPTX
Exercises: verb types 1-3 File DOCX
Time expressions audio+teksti Page
Homework: Quiz: Weekdays
Homework: Weekdays Quiz
Homework: Listen to the song and fill the gaps in the exercise below. URL
Homework: Listen to the song above and fill the gaps. Vieno Kekkonen: "Ei koskaan sunnuntaisin" File DOCX
Right answers, Vieno Kekkonen song File DOCX
Pre task for lesson 7: Verbityyppi 4: -ta/-tä -video Page
Pre task for lesson 7: Verbityyppi 5: ita/-itä video Page