Osion kuvaus

      • Budinski, K.G. (2001): Engineers' Guide to Technical Writing, ASM International, Ohio.
      • Pfeiffer, W.S. (2006): Technical communication: a practical approach Pearson/Prentice Hall.
      • Paradis, J.G. and Zimmerman, M.L. (1997): The MIT guide to science and engineering communication, MIT Press.
      • Matthews, J.R., Bowen, J.M. and Matthews, R.W. (2000): Successful scientific writing: a step-by-step guide for the biological and medical sciences, Cambridge University Press.
      • Michaelson, H.B. (1986): How to write and publish engineering papers and reports, ISI.

      Artikkeleita joissa käsitellään tieteellistä kirjoittamista ovat:

      • Aaronson, S: Style in Scientific Writing
      • Trzeciak, J: Writing Mathematical Papers in English 

    • Tieteellisen tiedon haku

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