Topic outline

    • Complething the bachelor thesis course requires the following steps.

      1. In the beginning, the students fills a bachelor thesis topic form (in MyCourses). If this step is forgotten, there is no need to complete it, when the thesis is ready. 
      2. Thesis (approximately 20 pages). Completed thesis must be saved in eAge system.
      3. Bachelor thesis seminar: The student must attend at least two bachelor seminar meetings. In the first one, the student gives a short presentation of the topic. In the second one, the student presents the results of the bachelor thesis project. 
      4. Kypsyysnäyte. This concerns students whose native language ("koulusivistyskieli") is Finnish or Swedish. Students take care of this.
      5. Evaluation form. Advisor and supervisor fill the evaluation form. Please send the evaluation form and the thesis to Riikka Korte, who will then check it and forward to the learning services for registration. You can also send the evaluation form directly to the learning services if needed, but please send it also to Riikka Korte.