
  • Allmänt

    The overall aim of the course is to improve ones abilities to reflect on and develop in ones role as doctoral supervisor.

    The main topics in the course are:

    • the supervisor role
    • framework and regulations of doctoral education at Aalto
    • quality in doctoral education
    • doctoral student - supervisor relationship
    • communication and intercultural competence
    • equality, diversity and inclusion
    • ethical aspects of doctoral education

    After completing the course, you will be able to:

    • Identify theoretical supervising frameworks and diverse supervision solutions in the context of doctoral student supervision 
    • Recognize and develop your own doctoral supervision style, strategies, methods, and practices further 
    • Justify the importance of supportive communication, feedback, and interaction in supervision as well as the role and importance of wellbeing and (peer) support in the doctoral journey 
    • Understand the dynamics of demanding supervising situations, why they occur and what tools help to solve them 
    • Understand the importance of equality (equity), diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in the context of doctoral student supervision  

    In addition, you have familiarized yourself with different PhD career paths and support possibilities from the perspective of the doctoral student.  

    Course structure:

    The course consists of six contact sessions, individual assignments, group work and discussions.

    Contact sessions:

    1.session on Thursday 10.3.2022 at 13.00-16.00
    2.session on Friday 25.3.2022 at 9.00-12.00 in Zoom, https://aalto.zoom.us/j/64494822905
    3.session on Thursday 7.4.2022 at 13.00-16.00, in TU3/Wärtsilä (1st floor), Maarintie 8
    4.session on Thursday 28.4.2022 at 13.00-16.00, in Zoom, https://aalto.zoom.us/j/64494822905
    5.session on Thursday 12.5.2022 at 13.00-16.00, in U119 (Deloitte), Otakaari 1
    6.session on Thursday 2.6.2022 at 13.00-16.00, in U119 (Deloitte), Otakaari 1

    All the sessions (except for the session 2 and session 4) will be organized in Otaniemi campus if the pandemic situation allows. Independent work between the sessions is also required for the successful completion of the course.

    Course team:
    Kirsti Keltikangas, teacher in charge
    Sara Rönkkönen
    Maija Taka