Doctoral supervision, spring 2022
Materials and articles on doctoral supervision area
Bastalich, W., 2017. Content and context in knowledge production: a critical review of doctoral supervision literature. Stud. High. Educ. 42, 1145–1157.
Bongaardt, R. & Krane, V. (2021). Supporting supervisors in promoting doctoral researchers’ mental health and wellbeing. In book The Future of Doctoral Research: Challenges and Opportunities. A. Lee & R. Bongaardt (toim.). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, chapter 13, 10 pp.
Cornér, S., Löfström, E., & Pyhältö, K. (2017). The Relationships between Doctoral Students’ Perceptions of Supervision and Burnout. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 12, 91-106.
Franke, A. & Arvidsson, B. (2011). Research supervisors’ different ways of experiencing supervision of doctoral students. Studies in Higher Education, 36:1, 7-19.
Lee, A., 2008. How are doctoral students supervised? Concepts of doctoral research supervision. Stud. High. Educ. 33, 267–281.
Löfström, E., Pyhältö, K. (2021). How research on ethics in doctoral supervision can inform doctoral education policy. Kirjassa The Future of Doctoral Research: Challenges and Opportunities. Lee, A. & Bongaardt, R. (toim.). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 295-306
Löfström, E., Pyhältö, K. (2018). Tutkimusetiikkaa opitaan väitöskirjaohjauksessa. Vastuullinen tiede: Tutkimusetiikka ja tiedeviestintä Suomessa. Tutkimuseettinen neuvottelukunta ja Tiedonjulkistamisen neuvottelukunta. 4 sivua. Saatavilla
- reference only in FinnishMantai, L. (2019). 'A source of sanity': The role of social support for doctoral candidates' belonging and becoming [Article]. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 14, 367-382.
McAlpine, L., Castello, M. & Pyhältö, K. (2020). What influences PhD graduate trajectories during the degree: a research-based policy agenda. Higher Education. 80, 6, s. 1011-1043. Saatavilla
Roos, L., Löfström, E., & Remmik, M. (2021). Individual and structural challenges in doctoral education: An ethical perspective [Article]. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 16, 211-236.