Osion kuvaus

  • Course information

    • ELEC-L0902 Introduction to Doctoral Studies D (2 or 3 cr)

      What are the tools needed in doctoral studies? What kind of support is available for doctoral students? How do I plan my career?

      In this course we will discuss and hear expert views on doctoral studies, services available, career planning, research ethics etc.
      Currently this course is arranged twice a year.

      Aims of the course:

      Once you have completed this course

      • you have a good understanding of the content of doctoral studies
      • you know what services and support there is for doctoral students
      • you have tools for your doctoral studies
      • you know how to plan your doctoral studies taking your future carrier plans into account.

      Contact Info

      Please email elec-l0902@aalto.fi

      Course Staff

      Teachers in Charge: Dr Emma Holmlund, Prof Ari Sihvola, Prof Vesa Välimäki

      Course Coordinators: Antti Ojapelto, Suvi Katajamäki

      Various visiting lecturers

      Course Requirements for 2 cr:

      In order to pass the course and receive 2 credit points, you need to meet these requirements:

      Active Participation in the Aalto Orientation Days (24.-25.1.2022 or some earlier Aalto Orientation Day)
      1. Register to the Aalto Orientation Days here at the latest on 17th of January 2022. You need to either take part in the orientation program for all Aalto University doctoral candidates and write a reflective essay on that, check Assignments (at the left) / Orientation Reflective Essay,

      2. OR Do the assignment "Assignment for 3 cr or substituting orientation" (Assignments at the left).

      Active Participation in the Seminars and Feedback sessions
      1. You need to attend the Seminar Sessions 1 - 5 (the dates and times can be found under Timetable at the left. If you for some reason have to be absent, please inform the course teachers as soon as possible through the adress elec-l0902@aalto.fi. To pass the course you have to attend at least half of the time at the seminars and substitute what you have missed with extra assignments, check Assignments / Missing a Session. Zoom instructions can be found at the left.
      2. You need to attend the compulsory online "academic writing feedback sessions, part I and II" (15 min each). You will get the date and time during the course.
      Do all the assignments
      You need to do and submit the assignments by the deadlines given (the deadlines can be found under Timetable at the left).

      Course Requirements for 3 cr:

      With Orientation Days:

      1. Take part in the orientation program for all Aalto University doctoral candidates and write a reflective essay on it, please see above, AND
      2. Do the Assignment for 3 cr once AND
      3. Do everything else required for 2 cr, please see above

      Without Orientation Days:

      1. Do the Assignment for 3 cr or substituting the orientation twice with two different topics AND
      2. Do everything else required for 2 cr, please see above

      Registration and Admission

      This course is for doctoral students of Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering. We are sorry we can't take any M.Sc. or B.Sc. students. If you have begun your work towards the doctor's degree and you have submitted the online application for doctoral studies in Aalto ELEC but you have not been admitted yet, please contact the course coordinators if you wish to take the course now.

      Please register in Sisu to attend the course (search for ELEC-L0902). You need to have an Aalto IT license to take this course.
      More information on registering to a course in Sisu. If you have registered for the course, but realize that you need to drop the course, please unregister, so we know that you will not be attending.

      Admission preferences if needed to limit group size:
      1. Full-time doctoral students of ELEC
      2. Other doctoral students of ELEC, we prefer students who are at an early stages in their doctoral studies.