
  • Allmänt

    Next lecture: Visma 

    Time: Apr 5, 2022 02:00 PM Helsinki

    Join Zoom Meeting: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/62691581897

    Meeting ID: 626 9158 1897

    The course familiarizes you with different kinds of industries found in Finland. The course consists of lectures from visiting corporate guests and light pre-lecture assignments. Lectures are held on Tuesdays 14:15-16 (periods III and IV, maybe one or two also during period V). The lectures will be held either online via Zoom or in TU2 in TUAS house (Maarintie 8). At least during period III the lectures are online.  Dates are given on the page “Lectures”, and companies attending will be updated there as they are confirmed.

    The course is held in Finnish and is graded on a pass/fail scale.

    The first lecture will be online on 18th January 2022 at 14:15 - 16:00


    To pass the course, you need to attend at least 8 lectures and submit 7 pre-lecture assignments. Assignments are published a week before the lectures on Tuesday and must be submitted by midnight on Mondays.

    If you have any questions regarding the course, please contact the course assistant Ilona Hemming, ilona.hemming@aalto.fi