Osion kuvaus

  • Welcome to LC-1310 Academic Communication!

    Week 7: No Zoom Lesson

    Topic: LC-1310

    Teacher: Malachy Halpin  malachy.halpin@aalto.fi

    Please check-in for weekly updates on the MyCourses page. Updates will be posted during the weeks we don't meet on Zoom, that is, Weeks 0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, and 13. They will usually be posted on those weeks' Fridays by 12:00 (noon). Prior to that, you are expected to complete the pre-course assignments (A1-A3) in Week 0.

    The course is divided into two main sections involving academic (1) writing and (2) speaking skills. The first seven weeks involve writing skills and an exercise referred to as the Review Report (1200-1500 words) – see Course Overview and Assignments for more information. During the course, we will build the report in steps and implement a writing process typical of academic writing. The rest of the weeks focus on preparing an oral presentation based on the same topic as your written report.

    Please note that this is a fully online course. If you have any questions you may email your teacher (malachy.halpin@aalto.fi) or post a question in the Shared discussion forum (For any questions or concerns you might have) below.