Topic outline

  • Assignments during the course consist of 5 tasks

    1. Reading 3 scientific papers before each discussion session: once a week.
    2. Write takeaways and questions about each paper read (details here).
    3. Participate to every discussion session: once a week.
    4. Presenting and leading the discussion on a scientific paper: twice over the course (details here).
    5. Completing two programming assignments: 1) crafting adversarial examples; 2) watermarking a model (details here).

    Grading takes 4 components into account

    1. Presentation and leading paper discussion (40% of the grade)
    • Completeness and relevance of the objective paper presentation
    • Quality of the oral speech and of the support for presentation (slides)
    • Quality of the critical synthesis
    • Quantity and quality of discussion topics
    • Ability to engage the audience in the discussion

    2. Participation in discussions (15% of the grade)
    • Reply to questions/topics launched by discussion leader
    • Extend the discussion
    • Launch new topics of discussion

    3. Writing personal paper takeaways (15% of the grade)
    • Submit 1-2 pages summarizing the paper's takeaways in your opinion: what did you learn from this paper? How your perception of ML security changed?
    • Submit a few question/discussion topics based on paper reading before each discussion.
    • Submissions are evaluated in a coarse manner. The criticality and sensibility of the takeaways are the main evaluation criteria.
    • Submit your assignment before each discussion session (Deadline: 11:55 on discussion day)

    4. Completing programming assignments (30% of the grade)
    Assignment 1: crafting adversarial examples
    • Choose a black-box adversarial example crafting method.
    • Introduce its main concepts.
    • Implement it.
    • Perform the evaluation and the analysis. Describe your findings.
    Assignment 2: watermarking a model
    • Choose a watermarking method (black-box or white-box).
    • Introduce its main concepts.
    • Implement it.
    • Perform the evaluation and the analysis. Describe your findings.