Topic outline

  • Guidelines

    Leading a discussion on a paper is composed of 2 parts taking 50 minutes altogether.

    1. A presentation type power point composed of the following items (20 minutes):
    1.a. An objective paper presentation that contains for instance:
    • Problem statement
    • Adversary/threat model
    • Summary of main findings & contributions
    • Results
    1.b. A critical personal synthesis that contains for instance:
    • Analysis of correctness/completeness
    • Potential flaws
    • Relation to related work
    • (A support for following discussion)
    • Etc.

    2. An interactive discussion with the rest of the class (30 minutes)
    • Prepare a set of points to discuss
    • Make it interactive and raise issues where opinions are likely to be divided
    • Develop provocative opinions
    • Ask controversial questions
    • Correlate research with recent events (e.g., news headlines on the use of AI)

    Paper assignment

    Go to this Google form and select 3 discussion topics for which you would like to present a paper before Monday March 7, 23:55. 2 discussion topics will be assigned to you by the course staff. Then, you will have to select a paper to present for each assigned topic.

    Presentation assignment:
    Discussion session
    Title Presenter 
    1. Model evasion (adversarial examples)


    2. Model poisoning and backdoor

    3. Model confidentiality and Intellectual property


    4. Training data privacy

    5. Privacy-preserving and verifiable training