ALC-7230 - Suomi 3, Finnish 3 web course May-June 2022, Open Uni, 2.5.2022-1.7.2022
This course space end date is set to 01.07.2022 Search Courses: ALC-7230
Topic outline
• Tehtävä 11, this is a listening excercise, the tape is in materials under chapter 13, materials, in MC (sivu 227)• Tehtävä 12, this is a listening excercise, the tape is in materials under chapter 13, materials, in MC (sivu 228)• Ristikko MC:ssä• Study words of chapters 10-13 and rehearse grammatics, especially object and imperfect tense, positive and negative-
Power pointit 27.6. File PPTX
Kotitehtävä: Ristikko File PDF
Ristikko: oikeat vastaukset File DOCX