
  • Course TIM-material consists of 12 chapters. Each chapter contains exercises with chapterwise deadline:

    Chapter DL
    1-2 8.7
    3-4 15.7
    5-6 22.7
    7-8 29.7
    9-10 5.8
    11 12.8
    12 19.8

    Solutions to the exercises will be available on this page as soon as their DL is exceeded.

    Exercise sessions

    Exercise sessions of the course are held weekly between 5.7-30.8.

    Times and places of the exercise sessions:

    Tuesday 14.15-17.00, AS4 - 1023-1024, Maarintie 8

    Thursday 14.15-17.00, AS3 Saab Space - 1021-1022, Maarintie 8

    In the sessions you can ask advice and discuss about exercises. Sessions are voluntary.

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