Topic outline

    • Assignment icon
      Intermediate Assignment: Development Phase (DL 01.09. at 23:59 pm).
    • Assignment icon
      Intermediate Assignment: Evaluation Phase (DL 08.09. at 23:59 pm)
    • Assignment icon
      Essay submission: Technology & Innovation Management (DL 28.09. at 23:59) Assignment

      Groupwork assignment

      1. Select one “emerging technology” of your interest, i.e. from a recent Gartner Hype Cycle or from Wikipedia
      2. Choose an industry in which your group ideally has prior knowledge or interest
      3. Familiarise yourself with the technology in question and study E. Burton Swanson’s “The Manager’s Guide to IT Innovation Waves” (downloadable in the folder "Materials" in MyCourses)
      4. Follow Swanson’s approach (especially p.78 and p.80) to analyse the selected technology from the chosen industry’s perspective
      5. Write a detailed report (about 1500 words per group member) about your analysis and provide a comprehensive conclusion in the form of an "executive summary" that either recommends adopting, rejecting or follow a wait-and-see strategy for the technology in the company/industry in question. Quote correctly and keep a detailed bibliography
      6. Submit your analysis in PDF format via MyCourses by Sep 28th at the latest. One submission per group is sufficient. Please include the names and student numbers of all authors on the cover sheet. Unnamed students in the respective group will not receive any points.