TU-C3010 - Projektien suunnittelu ja ohjaus, Luento-opetus, 23.5.2022-21.6.2022
This course space end date is set to 21.06.2022 Search Courses: TU-C3010
There are four thematic exercises in the course. The exercises will be added here on 23.5.
The exercises will be done in groups of two to three people. All exercises will be done with the same group members. You can use the MyCourses discussion forum to find a suitable group (opened on 23.5.)
We will not publish official solutions. However, we will provide each group feedback on your solutions. You can contact course personnel if there is something you want to ask concerning your grading.
Based on:
Submission deadline
1. exercise: Comparing the offerings
3rd chapter of the Project Management book and the videos 2-1 - 2-5 related to project sales and marketing.
10.6. at 23.55 to MyCourses
2. exercise: project scheduling and resource planning
4th chapter of the Project Management book and the videos 3-1 - 3-11 related to project planning and control.
10.6. at 23.55 to MyCourses
3. exercise: monitoring the project and decisionmaking 4th chapter of the Project Management book and the videos 3-1 - 3-11 and 4-1 - 4-10 related to project planning and control.
17.6. at 23.55 to MyCourses
4. Exercise: Project portfolio management Project portfolio management learning material and related videos 9–1 - 9-8).
17.6. at 23.55 to MyCourses
Tentti 12.12.2022 Fil DOCX