TU-EV0006 - Strategic Project Management, Lectures, 15.8.2022-5.9.2022
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 05.09.2022 Etsi kursseja: TU-EV0006
Osion kuvaus
Participation in the lectures is mandatory and it helps students to understand the course material, deepen their understanding of various knowledge areas and concepts, apply the knowledge areas and concepts in practice through in-class assignments, and prepare for writing their final course essay.
Lecture material
L01 Project value creation and valuation with uncertainty and project management viewpoint Kansio
L02 Scheduling and time challenges in a complex project environment Kansio
L03 Corporate responsibility and sustainability in project business Kansio
L04 Buying projects in project networks Kansio
L05 Project sales and marketing: focus on private as well as public stakeholders Kansio
L06 Collaborative project delivery models: challenges for implementation and application to industrial context Kansio
L07 Collaborative project delivery models: challenges for implementation and application to industrial context Kansio