
  • Villkommen

    This is the workspace through which drafts of theses or dissertations are submitted for comments and the final version for grading. On submitting in a draft submission box, the Turnitin similarity report is generated automatically. The report shows similarities between the submitted text and sources in the comparison database. By exposing similar text, the report supports good praactises in scientific writing by showing where the submitted text requires more editing, and so also it helps prevent unintended or intended plagiarism. Read the Aalto University Turnitin instructions, especially the part on how to interpret a Turnitin similarity report.

    The final version of the thesis is submitted in a separate submission box, where the similarity report is generated and the paper is archived in Turnitin's student paper repository so as to protect it against plagiarism.


      I assume you are about to work on a master thesis for the chair of Architectural Principles and Theory, so the following information will be mostly customized for you. If you are working on a thesis for another chair or program and want me to be your advisor or supervisor please contact me first.

      NOTE: Please familiarize yourself with the Departments´s common Completing your master´s thesis page first. I have also collected the most important documents (Thesis Guide and Evaluation Criteria) on my Resources page. Please take a look especially at the Master Thesis guide you can find there.

      See that you understand the roles of supervisor and advisor. If I am your advisor you need to be in contact with your supervisor at least in the following stages of the process:
      - choosing the topic
      - completing the first set of 10 credits
      completing the second set of 10 credits
      - getting the permit to submit the final version of the thesis

      The process

      I try to have a smooth, structured and clear process with each thesis author. 

      This means:

      • setting clear timetable and goals together in the beginning of the process (make an appointment)
      • meeting at regular, preset intervals (usually 5 times for about an hour)
      • submitting the drafts on Thesis Versions page for those meetings at least 2-3 days in advance for me to review in order to have relevant feedback discussion in each meeting

    • Innan du kan lämna in (Lärdomsprov versioner på den vänstra sidan):
      1. anmäla dig till den här arbetsytan via Kursens beskrivning på höger sida > Självregistrering (identifiera dig med Aalto användarnamnet) och
      2. svara på en fråga nedanför.