
  • Allmänt

    Course Information

    This project course is part of common studies courses in the Mechanical Engineering Master’s programme. Here, the transferable skills learned in the MEC-E1001 course and the engineering skills learned in the other courses are put in practice. The course is also offered to the EIT Manufacturing Master's programme and to exchange students. 

    During the course students, working in teams, will complete a specific mechanical design task, representative of mechanisms used in machines. They will develop an initial concept, carry out more detailed designs of critical components and build a prototype to demonstrate its working.

    The course grade is based on meeting the deadlines set for milestones in the project, and on students’ individual contribution to the team effort.

    Credits: 5 ECTS

    Grading: 1 - 5

    Teacher in charge: Sven Bossuyt 

    In case of any questions regarding the course, if they may be relevant to others, please ask them on the general discussion forum of the course. If they are unlikely to be of interest to anyone else please contact the assistant Ville Björklund (ville.bjorklund@aalto.fi).

    In-class learning activities
    • Wednesday, August 31, 10:15 (at Design Factory): a general introduction to the course that is also part of the orientation week activities and the MEC-E1001 course. 
    • Friday, September 9, 13:15-16:00 (K1 lecture hall 213a): course organisation + starter project about Stirling engine
    • Friday, September 16, 13:15-16:00 (K1 lecture hall 213a): estimation in engineering design + design brief for final project
    • Friday, September 23, 13:15-16:00 (time and location to be confirmed): starter project summary
    • Friday, October 28, 12:15-16:00 (time and location to be confirmed): concept pitches
    • Friday, November 25, 12:15-16:00 (time and location to be confirmed): status report peer review
    • Friday, December 9, 12:15-16:00 (time and location to be confirmed): prototype demonstration gala

    • Week 35-36: Group selection and pre-questionnaire

      Week 37-38: Stirling engine starter project (individual work)

      28/10: Concept pitch + peer review & 1st evaluation questionnaire

      18/11: Status report & 2nd evaluation questionnaire

      Week 47: Status report peer review

      7/12: Information poster

      9/12: Gala: Prototype demonstration & Demonstration gala reflections

      16/12: Final report & Final evaluation questionnaire