Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    Contact course faculty: nbe-e4240 (at) aalto.fi

    Professor in chargeRiitta Salmelin riitta.salmelin (at) aalto.fi

    Teaching assistants:

    Susanne Merz susanne.merz (at) aalto.fi

    Silvia Cotroneo silvia.cotroneo (at) aalto.fi

    Gayane Ghazaryan gayane.ghazaryan (at) aalto.fi


            When: Wednesdays 9:15-11, but note 3-hour sessions 9:15-12 on 5.4. and 19.4.
            Where: R003/F175a Luentosali 1, Otakaari 3

    Exercise session:

            When: Thursdays 10:15-11
            WhereR003/F175b Luentosali 2, Otakaari 3

    Teaching period: IV-V, 1.3.-24.5.2023


    OverviewThe aim of this class is to provide an essential research toolkit to prospective neuroscientists, with special focus on experimental human neuroimaging. 

    Learning outcomesAfter this course the students will have had a chance to gain important research tools such as:

    • developing critical reading of published work – e.g. writing a review, participating in a constructive group discussion
    • getting to know some of the current topics and controversies in imaging neuroscience
    • developing one’s own research ideas-to-experiments and writing a short research plan for a grant proposal
    • giving and receiving feedback on scientific concepts and text
    • understanding key aspects of research ethics – e.g. studying humans, authorship

    PrerequisitesNBE-E4210 Structure and operation of the human brain (or equivalent knowledge), NBE-E4000 Principles of Biomedical Imaging (or equivalent knowledge)

    Restrictions: This course is primarily for students of the Human Neuroscience and Technology major. Only a limited number of other students can participate. Participation is limited to 20 students in total.

    Credits5 ECT

    Workload: Lectures/contact teaching 30 h, homework 70 h, project work 30 h
    Study material: Lecture slides, scientific articles.
    Assessment methods and criteria: There is no end-course exam. The course grade is determined by weighted grades of learning diaries and a research plan. In order to pass the class, the students are required to attend at least 80% of both lectures (also note specific required sessions here) and exercise sessions and to turn in all the assignments.