LC-7210 - Suomi 1_H02 intensiivi, Luento-opetus, 24.10.2022-30.11.2022
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 30.11.2022 Etsi kursseja: LC-7210
Osion kuvaus
Tarkista vastaus = check answer, vihje = tip, oikeat (vastaukset) = (correct) answers
Tervehdykset, greetings(Psst! These exercises are quite old and thus might show a correct answer incorrectly as it only recognizes one answer, even if more than one could work as an answer)Vokaaliharmonia, vowel harmonyNumerotKysymyksetKuka sä oot? Kuka sinä olet?Verbityypit 1-5Viikonpäivät, days of the weekMitä kello on?PartitiiviMissä?1 SSA vai LLA? Valitse, choose (notice: the first two are "from" forms but same rule is applied as with MISSÄ)Hänellä on.. Hänellä ei ole..KPT, consonant gradationSanasto, vocabulary(See partitive exercises for food vocabulary!)Sanasto, vocabulary for Oma suomi 1 (chapter by chapter, these Quizlet sets are created by Heidi Laurikainen) (Kappale 1) (Kpl 2) (Kpl 3) (Kpl 4) (Kpl 5) (numerot)
This is the theory on how the numerals are formed in colloquial Finnish
Listen and repeat the numbers out loud.
Then do exercise 1 (Tehtävä 1, starts at 3:54 in the video):
Grab a pencil and a paper. Listen and write down the numbers. You will hear 15 numbers in spoken language. You'll hear each number twice.
If you want, you can also do exercise 2 (Tehtävä 2, starts at 6:01 in the video): Answer the questions accoding to what you hear. The answers will be shown in the video.