Topic outline

  • General

    Spatial analytics -course introduces you to different analysis approaches and methods of spatio-statistical analysis, geostatistics, map algebra and geovisual analysis. After the course, you can identify appropriate analysis approaches for different geospatial tasks, and describe data needs and suitable methods for the given analysis process. You can discuss the strengths and limitations of the methods. 

    After completing this course, you should:

    • understand the typical data analysis workflow

    • understand the basics of geostatistics and the associated terminology and mathematical principles

    • understand the basic principles of map overlay and map algebra

    • understand the principles of graph theory and network analysis

    • understand the basic principles of spatio-temporal multivariate analysis

    • be able to apply the previous concepts to different geographical problems using Python programming language

    Course materials

    All the course materials (incl. lectures, tutorials, exercises) will be hosted on a dedicated website at

    NOTE: This means, that we won't be using MyCourses platform.

    Lessons and practicals

    Teaching of the course will happen on campus in 2022. We record the lectures and share them online, but preferably join to the class in person.

    • The lectures are in room 326, Otakaari 4 on Tuesdays 12:15-14:00 & Thursdays 13:15-15:00. 
    • The practical sessions are in Maarintalo E (Sähkömiehentie 3) - 229 on Wednesdays 12:15-14:00.


    We will be using GitHub throughout the course for doing and returning the exercises. If you do not yet have a GitHub account, please create one before the course starts at:


    - GIS-E1030 Introduction to Spatial Methods, or similar knowledge (required)

    - Basic programming skills with Python 

    If you are new to Python, or would like to refresh your Python skills, we recommend to start with an online and open access course called Geo-Python which is available at If you need to refresh your Python GIS skills, we recommend starting with a course Automating GIS-processes available at Both of these courses include tutorials, videos and exercises. 

    • Available until 3 January 2023, 4:00 PM
      RE-EXAMINATION 3.1.2023 File PDF

      The exam lasts 3 hours from 13:00 to 16:00. You are allowed to use any material you find in books, lecture materials or online. The exam is an individual task and therefore you may not cooperate with other students. The exam is returned as a single file in the MyCourses return box (below) with a strict deadline at 16:00. Late returns are not allowed. 

    • RE-EXAMINATION RETURN BOX Turnitin Assignment 2