
  • LC-1120 Online Persuasive Presentations Skills 1 ECTS

    Instructor: Anya Siddiqi
    email: anya.siddiqi@aalto.fi,
    tel.+358 50 597 4455 (WhatsApp, Telegram or text)

    Aalto University Language Centre, Otakaari 1.

    27 h (independent online study 21 h, small group meetings 6 h (face to face)

    During this course, you will construct and deliver one specific type of persuasive presentation in English, an elevator pitch (EP) The 1-2-minute talk will be on a topic related to your field of study and aimed at non-expert audiences of a client or funding organisation.  The course familiarises you with the elements of persuasion, and you will practise your talk in small groups, giving and receiving constructive feedback, before creating the final version of the pitch.

    You will progress through the course by working mainly independently and online on weekly assignments, which are to be completed by the deadlines posted. As we apply a process approach to learning,  it is important that you commit to working regularly and reserve enough time for completing the assignments on schedule each week.

    During this course, you will interact with the teacher and fellow students 1-3 times: possibly on-site for 1-2 times or through Zoom 1-3 times; a combination is also possible. N.B. These contact sessions are obligatory, not optional.

    When meeting in Zoom, we have a course Zoom room which will be the same throughout the course. When meeting on Zoom, please ensure that you have a working webcam and microphone to be seen and heard during those online contact sessions.

    Kick-off meeting + Assignment 1 (attendance expected)

    The first meeting is the Kick-off meeting during Week 1. During this time, you will get to meet each other, the teacher and carry out Assignment 1 on Monday 27 February 12:30-14:00 in our Zoom room. You will also be added to a calendar invitation set up by the teacher.

    N.B. The possibility of in-class/ on-site practice group(s) or online practice groups will be discussed during the Kick-off session.

    First elevator pitch practice and second (final) elevator pitch practice

    Later on during the course after the Kick-off, you will attend two (2) practice sessions: one will be a rehearsal (first practice) during Course Week 4, and the other will be the final (second and final practice including Q&A) during Course Week 6.

    The practice sessions will all be offered in two possible modes: in Zoom (online) or on-site (in Otaniemi).
    Start to think now which one you'd like to try at least for the first practice.

    Please note that this course's 'Weeks' each begin on a Monday and end on a Sunday (23:59), unless there are special holidays which force the teacher to adjust the timetable. However, please keep in mind that the deadlines for the assignments can be any time between Thursday to Sunday of a particular Week!

    Whether meeting on-site or on Zoom, the classroom or Zoom room will usually be open and the teacher present already at quarter to/ ten minutes to the hour (Morning session at 9:45/9:50, Afternoon session at 13:45/13:50) for carrying out video and sound checks. We will start each session on the hour in case there are any technical issues during our time online.

    The on-site and online practice sessions are alternately offered in the morning and/or the afternoon.

    Elevator pitch first practice: Tuesday 21.03. 10:00-11:30 (On-site) or 14:00-15:30 (On-site or Online)


    Elevator pitch final practice: Tuesday 04.04. 12:30 - 14:00 (On-site only for 8 or under students)

    A more detailed schedule will be confirmed later for each student: the final number of practice sessions and pitching sessions will depend on the total number of course participants.

    See also Syllabus for the general course description and info on content as well as learning outcomes. 

    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
      Permanent LC-1120 Zoom Room URL
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      Scheduler 1: Practice sessions (sign up!) Tidsbokning
    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
      Scheduler 2: Final pitching event (sign up!) Tidsbokning