Osion kuvaus

  • Note: Other materials will be added here during the course.

    • Verkko-osoite icon

      This book provides more information on implementing the assertion-evidence approach into your presentations. You can download this book from the Aalto Library at this link. To access it, you'll first need to log in with your Aalto user ID and password.

    • Verkko-osoite icon

      This book covers some general principles for giving a (traditional) presentation. You can download this book from the Aalto Library at this link. To access it, you'll first need to log in with your Aalto user ID and password.

    • Workshop 1 Course intro, audience, organization

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Tiedosto icon
      1 Workshop slides Tiedosto PDF

      Course intro, features of bad talks, your research story, audience awareness, organization

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Tiedosto icon
      Outline Template Tiedosto DOCX
    • Verkko-osoite icon

      During Workshop 2, we will view this presentation and analyze it.

    • Verkko-osoite icon

      During the workshop, you'll be assigned a particular aspect of Alexander's presentation. Write your observations on this whiteboard.

    • Workshop 2 Slide Design

    • Sivu icon

      The main focus of Workshop 2 is slide design. Most of the lesson is based on ideas or materials from assertion-evidence.com. Before Workshop 2, you will need to review these materials.

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Tiedosto icon
      Workshop 2 Slides Tiedosto PDF

      Topic: Slide Design and Voice Usage

    • Verkko-osoite icon

      During Workshop 2, you will discuss the contents of the videos on the evidence-assertion approach (assigned as preparation).

    • Etherpad Lite icon

      Here, share examples of a couple of messages (for a slide). Be prepared to comment on the work of peers.

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Kansio icon
      Aalto Univ PowerPoint Templates Kansio
    • Workshop 3 Walk through and other prep

    • Sivu icon

      Before Workshop 3, review this material

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Tiedosto icon
      3 Zoom room slides Tiedosto PDF

      Here are the instructional slides on the walk-through.

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Tiedosto icon
      Analyzing an abstract Tiedosto PDF

      Material for Workshop 3

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Tiedosto icon
      Wk 3 slides Tiedosto PDF

      Topics include Walk-through, Q&A, Chairing, Abstract, Organizing chairing and rehearsals

    • Workshops 4 & 5 Rehearsals

    • Keskustelualue icon

      Give feedback to peers using this form. Fill out the form for each presenter during their presentation. Be prepared to share some of your comments, and post your written feedback in this forum.

      Presenters: Add yourself to the discussion forum: Put your name in the title line.

      Audience task:

      1. Copy and paste the questions below into a notepad - one for each presenter.
      2. During each presentation, take notes on 3-5 of the questions below (as feedback). In your feedback, remember to state pluses and minuses.
      3. After the presentation, post your feedback to the forum and be prepared to share verbally some of your feedback.
          • What was the main message?
          • Your impression of him/her as a presenter and expert?   
          • Indication of preparation?
          • Focusing/tailoring for a particular audience?
          • Contact & interaction with the audience?
          • Flow- clarity, logic, linking/transitions, coherence?     
          • Level of abstraction - use of explanations, illustrations?
          • Voice – pace, pronunciation, articulation, stress, intonation, pausing?
          • Non-verbal communication (body language)?
          • Time and pacing?
          • Interesting or not? 

    • Workshops 6 & 7 Mock Conference
    • Keskustelualue icon

      In this forum, you're giving peer feedback on the final presentation. For each presenter, write down one-two things you really liked about the presentation and one-two things that you wish were different (i.e. need improvement). In short, organize your comments under two headings: I like ... , I wish ... .