Topic outline

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      Here you'll find the Textbook Assignments (TAs), they will appear here one week at a time.

      If you can't find what you are looking for or have a feeling that something is missing, please let me know.

      Also, if you have questions about the assignments or the instructions, by all means, ask. You can post your question in the General forum and receive answers from your peers or me, or send a message to me via email or in MyCourses (MyC). Mark your emails/messages "LCA-1003". I reply mainly but on Mondays, Thursdays (evening) and Fridays.

      Please make sure that you submit all tasks by the deadline.

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    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student

      The Instructions for the Textbook Assignments (TAs) will appear here.

      I will send you a message via "Announcements from the teacher" once they are available. Once accepted to the course, familiarize yourself with the course information and the course schedule, the materials in the Assignments Overview section and, if you like, start on the Oral part by presenting yourself (OA1) and studying the materials for the elevator pitch.

    • Assignment icon
    • Assignment icon
      TA2 Assignment 2: Due 7.3.2023 12am (NB! Your textbook choice needs to have an okay from the teacher before you continue)
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      TA3 Assignment 3: Due 14.3.2023 12.00pm
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      TA4 Assignment 4: Due 21.3.2023 12.00pm (NB! Start early, you need several days for this task)
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      TA5 Assignment 5: Due 31.3.2023 12.00 pm

      Originality Check: This assignment includes three steps 

      1. Writing a summary
      2. Self-checking your summary for possible plagiarism
      3. Writing a reflection statement on your observations (submit this one)

      Before you begin, read the attached file: TA5 Originality Check.pdf  and the information on summarizing and language checking located in the TEXTBOOK PROJECT section in the left-hand menu (the link seems to take you to the Assignments Overview section. Reach the TEXTBOOK PROJECT from the left-hand menu).

      See also the PDF LCA-1003 TA5  Originality check attached to this submission box.

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      File icon
      Summarizing guidelines File
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
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      Language Check Page
    • Turnitin Assignment 2 icon
      TA6 Assignment 6 (Due 4.4.2023 11:00 pm) Turnitin Assignment 2
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
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      TA6 points added here Assignment
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Assignment icon
      TA7 Assignment 7 (Due 4.4.2023 12pm) Please copy your TA6 to this portfolio submission