Osion kuvaus

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija

      Welcome to Week 5 & 6!

      These are the final weeks for the OAs and nearly for the TAs, too, so you will complete your OAs, reflect on and evaluate the OA part.
      Next, you will provide peer feedback on your peer's video and make use of peer feedback to produce a final, revised version of your elevator pitch video in OA4c.
      OA4a and OA4b take you to the same place. For the peer feedback form needed in OA4b, check under the ELEVATOR PITCH section in the left-hand menu. Note that you give feedback both in the Panopto video directly and on a separate form that you upload to the forum.

      This week and next week, you will work with one chapter of your textbook (this can be a new chapter or one you have already worked with in the course). This week, complete TA5, using also other resources about language checking under the TEXTBOOK PROJECT section in the left-hand menu. Next week, you'll continue with the same chapter and summary-task in TA6 (due 4.4)

      Please find the instructions and the submission boxes/forum in the TEXTBOOK PROJECT and ELEVATOR PITCH sections.
      Please enter from the left-hand side grey menu to reach all materials. If you still cannot find what you are looking for or have any questions, please don't hesitate to turn to your teacher!

      This week's and next week's assignments

      • TA5 - Reflection: Summarizing, originality check; formality (due 31.3)
      • OA4c - Elevator pitch part 3 - revised version (due 31.3 12pm)
      • OA5 - Reflection statement (due 31.3 12 pm)
      • TA 6 -  Summary (due 4.4)
      • TA7 - Reflection (due 4.4)