Osion kuvaus

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija

      Here you'll find the oral Assignments and related materials, new assignments will appear weekly.
      (Click on the assignment links/submission boxes to find more instructions.)

      If you can't find what you are looking for or have a feeling that something is missing, please let me know.
      Also, if you have questions about the assignments or the instructions, by all means, ask. You can post your question in the General forum and receive answers from your peers or me, or send me an email.

      Please make sure that you meet the deadlines.

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Tehtävä icon
      OA1 teacher feedback (submit to the forum only) Tehtävä
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija


      Open Panopto via the Discussion Forum

      When asked where to upload, choose folder LCA-1003 Online English... . > Assignments. Then everyone on this course, but only on this course, should be able to see your video without further adjustments.

      I'll add a couple of more instructions below.

      Please don't hesitate to ask if you need further guidance.

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      Sivu icon
      How to Record with Panopto via MyC Discussion Forum Sivu
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      More tips on recording with Panopto

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      Verkko-osoite icon
      Panopto How-to videos (optional) Verkko-osoite
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      Optional - tutorials for Panopto

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      These materials introduce you to how to create an effective elevator pitch.

      Make notes. What's useful for you when making your own pitch, what's useful when commenting on your peers' videos? Exchange your personal notes "take-away messages" with your peers. - Also, note for later, which are your top-three favourite ones, which three don't score that high?

      Click on the heading "Materials for..." above to enter the Materials section.

    • Etherpad Lite icon

      Add your name after the corresponding letter so that your peers know that you are already summarizing this one.
      For the longer videos, you can add notes to the full video or to parts of it.

      Let's try to get notes for each reading/video!

      NB! Many of you have shared your notes here, which is fine, but do note that the idea was to use Padlet for your notes, there you can also share pictures. https://padlet.com/annastiinaauvinen1/materials-for-elevator-pitch-lnq0avbg6rrj4wu7

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      Points for notes on Materials for the Elevator Pitch (you do not need to add anything here. Add in the Padlet) Tehtävä
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    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
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      OA2 Assignment 2: EP Part 1 (Due: 7.3.2023 12.00pm) Tehtävä
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      OA3 Assignment 3: EP Part 2 (Due 14.3.2023 12pm) Tehtävä
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija

      OA4: Instructions in brief (See detailed instructions below)
      4a: Practice your pitch. Record it, post the link to the video for peer feedback.
      4b: Give and receive peer feedback.
      4c: Revise your pitch (script and performance) if necessary. Practice your pitch.
      Record the final version and post the link in the discussion forum and upload in your portfolio together with your rehearsal pitch.

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      Keskustelualue icon
      Assignment OA4a & OA4b & OA4c: Elevator pitch part 3 (Due 21.3/24.3/31.3 12:00pm) Keskustelualue
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      Tiedosto icon
      Peer feedback sheet for OA4b Tiedosto DOCX
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      OA4c Assignment 4c : Elevator pitch part 3 (final version + rehearsal link) (Due 31.3.2023 12.00pm) (OA4a 1.5p, b 1.5p, c 4p) Tehtävä
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      OA5 Assignment 5: Reflection statement (Due 2.4.2023 11.00pm) Tehtävä