Osion kuvaus

  • Since some of the collaborative learning during this course obviously occurs outside our face-to-face sessions, the following digital tools enable you to reach out to your teammates as well as many resources available on the net. Whereas some of these tools (Google Drive and Zoom) you need to use, others (Padlet, Prezi, Canva, Pictochart, Pixl) you may freely choose to use during this course.

    If you are currently using some other digital tools, please share them with your teammates/ other course participants, so that we can all learn from one another.

    Google Drive:

    A handy online space for uploading, creating, working with and sharing folders, documents, spreadsheets and presentations!

    Since documents and folders in Google Drive can be edited by many at the same time, use it as your repository and online working space with your team (and why not also on your own :).

    • Instructions on how to share documents in Google Drive

    Zoom meeting/ video conferencing tool:

    To connect and work with your teammates outside our face-to-face sessions, use Zoom. It is rather user-friendly and reliable.

    You can find instructions on how to use zoom here.

    Other collaborative tools for working on and presenting your team efforts:

    Padlet for presentations

    Prezi for presentations

    Canva for visualizations & infographics

    Pictochart for creating infographics

    Pixlr for editing images online

    Places to look for free images for your presentations:




    Creative commons search

    Make sure you attribute the creators of any media you use! See these instructions explaining Creative Commons.