
  • Welcome to LC-1121 Communicating Sustainable Solutions (spring, 2023)

    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

    • Present, challenge and defend solutions to real-life sustainability issues faced by companies and organizations
    • Organize arguments clearly, cohesively and concisely in speaking and in writing
    • Collaborate in interdisciplinary teams

    Teacher: Malachy Halpin, malachy,halpin@aalto.fi 

    Weekly class time: Wednesday  Y307  14.15–16.30

    (regular attendance required)


    In preparation for Friday’s Communicating Sustainable Solutions class, each team will familiarize themselves with a different sustainability dimension (this does not mean that you will work with this particular sustainability dimension throughout the course). Knowledge of the different dimensions is important when you start to work on your problem-based scenarios, so we're simply building the base with this activity. In the first class, you will have to explain the sustainability dimension to the other teams (you will have time to prepare in class, but make sure you do the reading beforehand).  

    The reading material is on the open access course Sustainable.now, which offers a thorough package of basic knowledge on the different dimensions of sustainability. You can access the material with your Aalto credentials (choose: Login with HAKA- account)  at: https://digicampus.fi/course/view.php?id=1735

    Team 1 (Arokoski, Koskinen, Murtovuori, Vuorenmaa)

    Read Section 1 The concept of ecological sustainability under "Ecological sustainability"

    Team 2 (Porkka, Räty, Serre, Säde)

    Read Section 1 The concept of economical sustainability under "Economical sustainability"

    Team 3 (Immonen, James, Lindgren, Matomäki, Säkkinen)

    Read Section 1 The concept of social sustainability under "Social sustainability"

    Team 4 (Gosalvez, Kannisto, Sivula, Kiri)

    Read Section 1 The concept of cultural sustainability under "Cultural sustainability"

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      Course schedule (Spring 2023) Fil DOCX
    • Links to team folders in google drive