LCA-1022 - Academic Writing (w), Lecture, 24.10.2022-5.12.2022
This course space end date is set to 05.12.2022 Search Courses: LCA-1022
Image by Jonny Lindner from Pixabay
Important information: This implementation of the course is taught on campus. Our first workshop is on Monday, Oct 24th, at 15:15-17:45, and thereafter, we continue to meet once a week on Mondays, at 15:15. Our classroom is U121b Hilti, Otakaari 1. The hallways may be locked, and for that reason please make sure that you have a valid access token to the building. We will use MyCourses and other online resources during our workshops, and thus, please bring your laptop to our workshops.Observe that the sixth week of our course is devoted to teacher-peer-peer feedback meetings in pairs, and the slots (1hr) for these are not necessarily on a Monday afternoon. These meetings will be arranged via a separate sign-up scheduler opened later.-
Important course information Sida
Read this for important information on course content, completion and grading
Navigating the MyCourses site Sida
Read this for information on how the LCA-1022 MyCourses site operates