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    Welcome to the Economic geology and Mineral economy course!

    We will start with an introduction lecture on Thursday October 27:th in room 309 R9 in Rakentajanaukio 4.

    The objective of the course is that you will gain basic knowledge on the processing-related mineralogical and geological aspects of ores and industrial minerals and will know the ore types that provide the main sources of metals and minerals that our society needs today and for the future.

    The topics of the lectures and exercises:

    •       Globally important types of ore deposits in a genetic system

    •       Major ore forming processes

    •       Industrial minerals and their application.

    •       Main rock forming minerals and mineral groups of silicates, oxides, carbonates.

    •       Genetic groups and main petrographic characteristics of rocks.

    •       Basics of ore mineralogy.

    •       Optical properties and processing-related characteristics of  the main ore mineral types. Application of micro-analytical methods in ore mineralogy.

    Lectures will be given on Thursday afternoon and Friday noons. Instructed exercises will be given after the Thursday lectures in R9.  The room is reserved for exercises in Friday afternoons, but you can use the space when ever it is free.

    There will be no online-lessons with Zoom but I will record the lectures and publish them later in Panopto-system. You will find the link to these lessons in the Panopto-block in the right lower corner of the MyCourses-page.

    • Tillgänglig om: Fältet E-postadress innehåller @aalto.fi
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      Lecture slides Mapp
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      Lab_exercise 1 Inlämningsuppgift
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      Reading assignment Inlämningsuppgift
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      Representative sample size and sampling error Inlämningsuppgift
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      Final Exam 5.12.2022 Kunskapstest
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      Exam and course grades Fil XLSX