
  • Welcome!

    The course will take place in periods IV and V on Wednesdays at 15:15–18h.

    This spring, the focus of the course will be on human and planetary liveability. Established practices for balancing these in cities are still largely missing. Consequently, the course will address questions like: What does human and planetary liveability in cities and planning entail? How and why to address themes like planetary boundaries, climate change and biodiversity on the human scale of cities? How and why to assess the policies and actions that aim for human and planetary liveability? And how could diverse tools and methods support (or not support) the planning of liveable cities?

    During the course, these questions are iteratively approached through lectures, in-class dialogues and a series of interrelated assignments (group and individual) with a case area in Vantaa, Finland. In the hands-on assignments, we will learn to cope with the uncertainties in available planning data and to consider the reliability of the available methods at the various phases of planning processes.

    The course is organized in collaboration with the City of Vantaa and Autodesk/ Spacemaker.ai.

    In case of any questions already before the course, don’t hesitate to contact Susa susa.eraranta(at)aalto.fi.