Topic outline

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      Individual reflection 1 Assignment
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      Individual reflection 2 Assignment

      Weekly theme: Walking meeting

      With your group, implement one of the meetings outside, taking a walk. This can be done in pairs, in small groups or as a whole team. NOTE: if the schedules are challenging this week, you can implement the walking meeting also during weeks 3 or 4. If you postpone the walking meeting, include it in the respective weekly reflection.

      You can e.g., reflect whether you like this type of meeting type or not and why. Did you team succeed in it, why/why not? How did you and/or your peers received this task in the first place? What affected this reaction? Have you done walking meetings before? Would you like to distribute this method to your future teams, too? Etc.

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      Individual reflection 3 Assignment

      Weekly theme: Sustainability and systems thinking

      In addition to other meaningful learnings and events from this week, reflect on the Workshop 3 topics. You can for example consider some of the following questions: 

      How do you see your own role, motivation, possibilities, and desires when it comes to solving sustainability challenges? 

      What did you learn - was there something particularly interesting, new, or beneficial in the materials, or during the session - what and why?

      Did you find some material or analysis less significant or less beneficial? Why?

      Did the material and session help in defining sustainability? Did it help in understanding how your case is connected to sustainability? Why?

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      Individual reflection 4 Assignment

      Weekly theme: Futures thinking

      NOTE: submissions allowed only between Thu 12.00-Fri 18.00 (as the purpose is not only to reflect on the Workshop 4, but also on how the whole week has been).

      Some thoughts and 2 key questions for reflecting on the Weekly theme:
      You can get an overview of what we did in the Workshop 4 with the help of the matrix below (based on the work of the Dutch sociologist and futurist Fred Polak).  
      • The way we think about the future and the amount of agency we feel towards it have significant impacts on whether we actually decide to impact the future or not.
      • Based on people’s different personalities, backgrounds and past experiences, we can roughly place them in the different quadrants of the matrix. 
        • You don’t have to be optimist just for the sake of it. You can get motivated to act from the feeling that the world is getting worse, or you can get inspired by the feeling that the world is getting better. Both are ok.
      • The main questions are:  
          • Where would you place yourself in the matrix?  
          • Do you feel you have the agency to change things for the better or not, and why? 

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      Individual reflection 5 Assignment

      Weekly theme: Having fun with your team

      NOTE: submissions allowed only between Thu 12.00-Fri 18.00 (as the purpose is not only to reflect on the Weekly theme, but also on how the whole week has been).

      Guiding questions for the weekly theme:

      How was your moment of fun with the team? Do you think it affected your team performance, how and why? Did it affect how you feel about your team and your project, how and why? Would you do something differently, if you had the power to decide on the "fun activity"? Why / why not?

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      Individual reflection 6 Assignment

      Weekly theme: Entrepreneurial mindset.

      This week you have most probably been finalizing your solutions and preparing the final presentation slides. This is exactly the phase, where entrepreneurial mindset steps in! It isn't about being an entrepreneur, but having certain capabilities that can be applied in any position or workplace.

      Aalto University defines capabilities relating to entrepreneurial mindset as follows:

      • courage to think out-of-the box and direct attention to grand challenges that will better peoples' lives
      • self-direction and intrinsic motivation
      • taking ownership for your work
      • being innovative at the face of new challenges
      • having the guts to take risks

      How would you describe your mindset in relation to the listed capabilities? Do you feel that your education or this course have helped you to develop these capabilities, why/why not? Do you think that your team's solution reflects an entrepreneurial mindset? How could you promote sustainability in your future profession with an entrepreneurial mindset?

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      Individual reflection 7 Assignment

      NOTE: submissions allowed only between Thu 12.00-Fri 18.00 (as the purpose is not only to reflect on the weekly theme, but also on how the whole week has been).

      Weekly theme: My professional identity (relating to all the case proposals and learnings from the course)

      After creating a solution with your team, seeing the work of other teams in the final seminar, learning about systems and futures thinking and about problem-solving process & team success: how would you describe your key takeaways from the course?

      Did the course have an influence on your professional identity (i.e. how you experience your current confidence, expertise and interest areas in the WAT field and how you see your future as a WAT professional)?

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      Team agreement Assignment
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      Workshop 3: sustainability and systems thinking Assignment
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      Workshop 4: futures thinking Assignment

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      Press release Assignment
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      Case presentation Assignment