
  • Write an essay about what you learned about urban experiences and human-friendly planning during the course. You can start from thinking about your own personal urban experience, that you reflected during your pretask. Did you learn something more about human experiences and behavior in relation to various settings? How those lessons can be translated to human-friendly planning or design?

    If you want, you can focus on a single, spesific theme related to urban experiences but it is also possible to go through all the main themes discussed during the course. It is not forbidden to concentrate on a theme that has not been addressed during the course (e.g. multisensory environmental experiences) but the topic has to be relevant from the perspective of human, urban experiences.

    Use the material provided on the course pages. The readings can be found both:
    • In the section related to the group work 1
    • In the section "Additional readings"
    • It is highly recommended to find your own references and material
    • When possible, please try to find links to planning and design

    Practical tips:

    • In your essay it is great if you can use visualizations, images or plans.
    • Instead of an essay, you can find another format for your work like writing a blog or producing a podcast or video.
    • If you write an essay, the lengh of it can be between: 6-10 page (New Times Roman 12, lining 1,5).
    • A blog can naturally be shorter.
    • A video should not exceed 10 min.
    It is recommendable to do the course work as an individual task but you can also make the course work in a small group with max 3 students. In the latter case, the demands for the work should be higher than for an individual work.

    The language of your work can be English, Finnish or Swedish.

    The deadline for the individual course work will be two weeks after the course has ended.  It is, nevertheless excellent if you start the work already during the course!