SPT-E4010 - Transport Modelling D, Lecture, 9.1.2023-17.2.2023
This course space end date is set to 17.02.2023 Search Courses: SPT-E4010
Topic outline
Some background material Folder
- HSL customer satisfaction survey from 2018 (mostly still relevant) - original in Finnish
- Automatic (not so good) English translation
- Customer feedback session from 2021 by Taru Maamies, still relevant
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Slides from 12.1 File PDF
Note: Team allocation not updated in slides.
Unfortunately only in Finnish
And here is the next one, still only in Finnish
Session 2 slides Folder
Silja Oinas - Nobina + weekly assignment.
Session 3 slides File PDF
Includes weekly assignment 3
Session 4 slides File PDF
Session 5 slides Folder