Topic outline

    • Essay title & short description Forum

      This is the first step of the essay assignment. Please submit your essay title and short description (a couple of lines of your main argument) about your essay by 18.10. For this, add a new discussion topic in this forum with the title Essay topic - Your Name. The teacher will then approve your title.

    • Essay Assignment

      Write an academic essay (10 000 - 12 000 characters, including spaces, excluding the bibliography) on a topic of your own. The assignment is due on December 16th, 16:00.

      You may choose a purely theoretical approach, you can pick a real-life planning case that you analyze with the help/in the light of the theoretical texts from the archive, you may take a classic book and feature it, or you can build a planning theoretical biography of a theorist. The essay needs to be connected to the planning theoretical discussions/topics of the course. For this, your summaries will be of help.

      Base all your arguments on sound scientific reasoning, provide enough argumentation to enable the reader to follow your line of thinking, and wrap up your argument in a concise manner. 

      Structure your essay to include

      • an introduction (that familiarises the reader to the issue, e.g. provides background, history, context etc.) 
      • formulation of the issue/problem/task of the essay
      • arguments you wish to make (grounded heavily on literature & documents, no personal opinions without references)
      • conclusion (in which you can "answer" the possible "question" you posed)

      A good guide for essay writing can be found, for example, from the website of the University of Leeds. Check it out for a proper style, structure and analysis!

      Please follow the "rules" of academic writing: use standard English/Finnish, write with perfect grammar and full sentences, make sure spelling is correct, do not use slang nor spoken language expressions.

      Check out the Aalto University Learning Centre citation guide for citations and include a full bibliography (APA style, please).

      Essays are to be written individually, but we will have three writing clinic sessions to help you in your writing process. Altogether there are five pitch stops for this assignment:

      • 18.10. Essay title & short description. Please submit your essay title and short description (a couple of lines of your main argument) about your essay. For this, add a new discussion topic in MyCourses. The teachers will then approve your title.
      • 1.11. Writing clinic 1. Prepare the first draft of your essay. Send the essay to your opponent already 30.10, to allow her/him to read it beforehand. Prepare to introduce your essay to the group and act as an opponent. Location: U3, Otakaari 1
      • 15.11. Writing clinic 2. Guest lecture on academic writing, Location: online (Zoom-link)
        Maurice Forget, Language center, Aalto-university
      • 29.11. Writing clinic 3.Prepare the second version of your essay. The essay should now be further developed with the help of the feedback received in the writing clinic 1. Send the essay to your opponent already 27.11. Prepare to introduce your essay to the group and act as an opponent. Location: U1, Otakaari 1
      • 16.12. Final DL. Finalize your essay with the help of the feedback received in the writing clinic 3 and submit it.

       Acting as an opponent

      Each student will have a 10-15 minutes for presenting their essay (idea, main argument, literature) and receive feedback from the opponent and others in the group.

      One student acts as an opponent and therefore receives the essay beforehand. The opponent reads the essay in advance and prepares to comment on it at the writing clinic:

      • What are the strengths (and perhaps weaknesses) of the essay?
      • How to further develop the essay?
      • What do you think about the ideas and arguments presented in the essay?