Topic outline

  • Starting on Monday 12 Sep at 9.00 at Water building (Tietotie 1 E), the second week provides a view on hydrology and water resources management.

    Monday morning reviews the hydrological cycle and runoff generation with the aim to facilitate discussion in the class. Selected aspects of water resources management are viewed.

    Monday afternoon starts with research highlight presentations. The afternoon ends with a hydrological measurement demonstration and data analysis session.

    Tuesday's Thematic Task focuses on the application of a hydrological model through an exercise. The day is organised in a computer class (Y338), where students can run the model and perform computations. The Thematic Task i.e. hydrological modelling exercise itself is a group work. Each group will be given data and hydrological model for different catchments. The group will get familiar with their site, data, and the model and make an assessment of hydrological processes in the catchment. The application part of the exercise is to extract transient climate scenarios extending from the current conditions to future, run the hydrological model with the scenarios, and assess how the climate change is seen in the studied catchments.

    Wednesday is the day to get familiar the Weekly Exercise, simulation modeling and related tools and procedures, such as model calibration, validation, and sensitivity analysis. Wednesday teaching will be organized in computer class Y338.

    Thursday is devoted to individual work on the Weekly Exercise. Extra help is available for completing the exercise in the afternoon in class U257.

    Friday is the day to finished the computations of each groups and prepare a presentation about their thematic task results. A mini seminar is held in the afternoon to wrap up the results.

    The week consists of the following submitted tasks:

      • Thematic task: HBV Modelling  (DL for group presentation slides: Friday 16 September at 14:00)
      • Weekly exercise: Simulation Modelling (DL Friday 23 September at 23:59)

    General schedule for the week is shown in the figure below, while the detailed schedule can be found below the figure.

    Week 2 schedule

    • Detailed time schedule

      Monday sessions and Friday afternoon session will be held on Water building. Tuesday sessions and Friday morning session will be held in class Y338. Wednesday and Thursday sessions are in class Y338

      Monday 12.9.

      09:00 -12:00 Hydrology and water resources management (Harri Koivusalo) Class 286 (WAT building)
      12.00 -13:00 Lunch break
      13:00 -13:40 Research highlights on Hydrology and water resources management Class 286 (WAT building)

        • Modeling acidic discharge in a Finnish agricultural field by DSc Heidi Salo, Aalto University
        • Radar rainfall information and 2D design storms in hydrology by MSc Ville Lindgren, Aalto University

      14:00 - 16:00 Demonstration of hydrological measurements and analysis (Ville Lindgren, Aleksi Salla) Outside in front of water building (Tietotie 1 E)

      Tuesday 13.9. Computer Class Y338

      09:00 - 12:00 HBV thematic task introduction and individual/group work on the exercise (Harri Koivusalo)
      13:00 - 16:00 HBV thematic task continues (Harri Koivusalo). At 14:30 we invite groups to tell how they approach the tasks.

      Wednesday 14.9. Computer Class Y338

      09:00 - 10:00 Modelling: Lecture (Teemu Kokkonen)
      10:00 - 12:00 Modelling: Snow model exercise, guided workshop (Teemu Kokkonen)
      12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
      13:00 - 16:00 Modelling: Snow model exercise, guided workshop (Teemu Kokkonen)

      Thursday 15.9. Computer Class U257

      09:00 - 12:00 Modelling: Snow model exercise, individual work (no computer class booked)
      12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
      13:00 - 16:00 Modelling: Snow model exercise, guided workshop (Teemu Kokkonen, U257)

      Friday 16.9. Class Y338

      09:00 - 12:00 Work to complete the thematic task computations and presentation (Harri Koivusalo)
      12:00 - 13:00 Lunch break

      Class 286 (WAT building)

      13:00 - 14:00 Finalisation of presentations.
      14:00 - 16:00 Presentations and wrap-up of the thematic task (Harri Koivusalo). Each groups shows a 10-12 min presentation of the objectives, the key results, and the main conclusions. The presentation files need to have a title page including the full names of all authors.

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student

      Lecture material

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
    • Rainfall-runoff demonstration

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Research highlights and rainfall-runoff demonstration material Folder
    • Materials for the week 2 thematic task

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Thematic task description File PDF

      Read this description of the thematic task before the Tueday's session to get an idea of the task.

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Thematic task submission: HBV Modelling Assignment
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      CORDEX scenarios for HBV-modelling Folder
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Weekly exercise: Simulation modelling Assignment
    • Videos about the HBV-exercise

      Note that "HBV-Kalajoki.xlsm" -file contains information boxes about the HBV model setup. The same information is not presented in other HBV-files. These videos provide explanation about the HBV-model and the data.

      Information about opening "HBV-Kalajoki.xlsm"-file and enabling macros.

      Information about the "Model" -sheet in the HBV-model.

      Information about the "Params" -sheet in the HBV-model.

      Information about the "PET" -sheet in the HBV-model.

      Review of Visual Basic Macros in "HBV-Kalajoki.xlsm"-file.

      Hints to do a climate change scenario with the HBV-model.

      Hints on how to aggregate data in Excel.

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Instructions for the HBV-presentations. File PDF