WAT-E2120 - Physical and Chemical Treatment of Water and Waste D, Lecture, 11.1.2023-17.2.2023
This course space end date is set to 17.02.2023 Search Courses: WAT-E2120
Topic outline
This course gives an introduction into the physical and chemical water, wastewater, sludge, solid waste and waste gas treatment processes. The course includes lectures with several guest lecturers also from the industry. Each course session will have one or two main topics and the session will be divided into short interactive lectures with corresponding demo exercises and independent exercises in between.
We will also produce high quality water (hopefully :)) in a lab-scale water purification reactor. Each week one group of students will be responsible for the operation of the reactor and optimize the process one step further.
We have a Teams group for communication and meeting up with your project group here: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3auRdSpOLgLMrhe_mPaCpvZjEOgxC-yaZc51egFGRblRU1%40thread.tacv2/General?groupId=71c57fbc-a08c-4c46-a33a-5b9b0fceef14&tenantId=ae1a7724-4041-4462-a6dc-538cb199707e
Note! We are working with natural waters and wastewaters in the Physical-chemical treatment processes and Biological treatment processes courses. Please check that your standard vaccinations (MMR, polio, tetanus-diphtheria) are valid. If not please contact Finnish Student Heath Services to get the vaccination.
NOTE! There's a pre-exam on chemistry in this course. You can find the exam in Assignments and the study material in Materials.
IMPORTANT! If you have NOT done Aalto Laboratory Safety Course earlier NOTE! In order to be able to participate in the course you have to pass the Laboratory Safety Exam as explained below.
Procedure for Lab safety exam -
To take the laboratory safety exam, students must register enrol to AALTOLAB ENG Water and Environmental Engineering -course at https://openlearning.aalto.fi/course/view.php?id=152. Log in and Self-enrol to the course (enrollment key: ENGwater). Follow the instructions on the page: watch and understand how various laboratory safety equipment work and take the exam. You are allowed to use the Virtual laboratory while giving this exam. You are also allowed multiple tries. The idea is to ensure that students understand the steps they need to take in case of an accident in the lab and not to blindly memorize lab safety protocol.
In the beginning of each lab introduction (A,B and C) Aino organizes a short safety tour in the lab for the students who have not worked in the WATER LAB earlier.
Laboratory safety course must be passed before the laboratory project of the course starts