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    • Are you interested in the water supply and wastewater services? Would you like to know the infrastructure and the management of the systems related to them? If your answer is YES, welcome to the Urban Water Systems Course!

      This course is an introduction to urban water systems and no previous knowledge is required. The course introduces you to the water supply and wastewater systems and services as well as to their management. The course includes both individual assignments and group work. Group work will be conducted as a project work, which will be presented in the seminar at the end of the course.

      The course is organised using distance teaching methods. The lectures and exercises run from 26th of October to 9th of December. Some lectures are given at set date and time at Zoom (see the pink marks in the course schedule), but most lectures are recorded and assignments given to allow conduction within a given time frame. See the detailed schedule for times and contents below. We hope that you can participate the joint Zoom lectures as well as to conduct the assignments in time. 

      Joint Zoom lectures and help sessions can be accessed from Zoom room section. Recorded lectures and other lecture material can be found from the Materials section. 

    • Urban Water Systems_Schedule, lecture topics, assignments and material Fil PDF
    • Urban Water Systems_Schedule and points of course activities (Gantt chart) Fil PDF
    • Urban Water Systems_Course introduction Fil PDF