Topic outline

  • Few things about the final presentation

    • form: 15 min presentation to a group of 4-5 students + a teacher
    • based on the home assignments, so you do not need to do much new work (if you do not want to) 
    • main thing is that you make a coherent and clear story out of the selected weekly themes, with clear research question or two (i.e. the most interesting things you want to concentrate a bit more - the idea is NOT that you just scroll through all your home assignments
    • it would be good also if you could reflect your findings with the literature within the presentation 
    • you need to present it to your peer-group within 15 min (strict), so you get practice of presenting research and also it gives you an opportunity to discuss about your findings 
    • you can do the presentation with power point, prezi or any other software 
    • Matti is happy to discuss about the final presentation more whenever needed. 

    Schedule & peer-groups

    please fill in the doodle after you have agreed the time with your group (see below) - max 3 groups can present at the same time (in doodle, please use the group name – e.g. Asia, North America, etc – and put just one entry / group):

    You can find the peer groups for the project work presentations below, and download the evaluation form from the following links (these will also be provided as a paper copies in the presentation sessions):



    Presentation time     
    at Wed 7.12

    @Learning centre

    Africa & Middle East    
    Jasmin, Julia, Markus, Saana (teacher Johannes)
    106 Ilmari
    Aarni-Matti, Henri, Ville, Wenli (teacher Sara)   
    106 Ilmari
    Europe & Australia
    Antonino, Ella, Jouni, Milla (teacher Mika)
    106 Ilmari
    North America
    Eero, Joona, Ksenija, Sonja (teacher Qiankun)
    108 Jaakko
    South America
    Albert, Juho, Stefano, Tiia (teacher Mika)
    109 Dora


    Each group member will give max 15 min (strict!) presentation about their project, followed by 10 min discussion.

    The presentation should include following parts:

    • short introduction to project area
    • research questions
    • main findings
    • discussion and conclusions

    Please keep the introduction very short, to have enough time for the main findings. Idea is that those findings are based on your home assingments, and in the presentation you collect the most interesting findings and make a nice story out of them. 

    You can use what ever programme you want to do the presentation. If you have energy and time, you can consider in learning a new programme. But do not stress about it, you can use the one you are most familiar with.


    The evaluation of the presentation will be based on following questions:

    • How coherent the overall story was? 
    • How clear were the research questions? 
    • Quality of illustrations and graphs 
    • How well linked to the issues dealt within the course? 
    • How well presented?

    The grade is an average of self-evaluation (1/3), peer-evaluation (1/3) and teacher evaluation (1/3).

    How to make a good presentation?

    Each one of us have our own style to present things, and you should not change that. But there are some general tips for how to make a good presentation - below is given one video that I found useful:

    Practicalities of presenting the presentation

    1. We'll have a laptop from which you can present the presentation that needs computer. If you have other format of presentation, please inform us. 
    2. Once your presentation is ready, please upload it to MyCourses, using the link at the bottom of this page. If you use Prezi, just provide the link to us. Upload your presentation at least 30 min before the presentation time starts. 
    3. Reherse the presentation before the event
    4. Come to the classroom in time, preferably ~5 minutes before the presentations start

    Final presentations

    You can download all the final presentations from below:

    • Assignment icon

      Please provide here the presentation at least 30 min prior your time slot. If you use power point, just upload the ppt, if you use press, please provide the link.