Topic outline

  • This week you will learn how to establish communication between two or more PCBs that you made. The recommended route this year is to use one of the wireless capable XIAO boards, such as the XIAO ESP32C or XIAO nRF52840.


    Wed 26 Apr, 16:00 (online, global)
    Networking and Communications by prof. Neil Gershenfeld.

    Thu 27 Apr, 13:15 (online, hybrid)
    Introduction to Networking and Communications.

    • Assignment 15: Networking and Communications

      Follow the steps below to complete your assignment.

      • Explore the WiFi capabilities of the XIAO ESP32C3 board.
      • Plug it into one of the boards you produced earlier.
      • Program the XIAO board to spawn an Access Point and create a simple REST API.
      • The REST API should have endpoints for controlling output device(s) of your board as well as reading input.
      • Document as you go and publish content on a page on your documentation website.
    • Video: Serial Communication Between Two Arduinos URL

      In this video the basics of serial communication via TX/RX lines of the Arduino is shown.

    • Use this wiki page to learn the basics of the XIAO ESP32C3.

    • This is one of many resources that explains what is the REpresentational State Transfer (REST) Application Programming Interface (API).

    • Here you can find the code examples we discussed in the lecture.